Tuesday 2 December 2014

Year 12 (Double): Preparation for Delivery of your Session

You should design a questionnaire to be completed by the participant of your coaching session. Consider the following criteria which must be achieved in the lessons after you have delivered your session:

"review own performance in the designing of exercise programmes and the planning and delivery of the exercise session, identifying strengths and areas for improvement."

You could get the participant to give a 1-5 scale on the session but you must also leave a section for comments which will provide you with invaluable feedback which you can use in your write up.

Secondly, once the sessions have been delivered, you will have video evidence which can be embedded on your blog. This video can be analysed by you so that you can give a really detailed review on your performance in terms of planning and delivery of the session.

Monday 17 November 2014

Equipment and Resources for your Circuit Training Session

We will work in groups of three. One performer, one coach and one recorder. 

You should try to stick to the time frames and equipment on the picture above. Once your session has finished, the performer will give feedback to the coach and the recorder will get his equipment ready for the next session. We will try to complete all 3 sessions in one lesson. This means you will have about 10 minutes to coach your session. You must include a warm up and cool down in that time frame. 

Thursday 16 October 2014

Year 12 - Unit 7 - Subject Profiles follwowing the Health Screening Procedures and PARQs

You now have the completed PARQs for 2 clients and their Health Screening test results. You must now compile a profile for each of your clients which identifies strengths and areas for improvement. You will have to find out what their results mean and what the implications are on their health, both in the short-term and long-term, if they continue to lead the same lifestyle.

If they appear healthy in all departments, you must state the benefits in future life of leading a healthy lifestyle. If they have some areas that require improvement you must research the implications of high blood pressure/High BMI/ Low Lung function etc.

You are going to present this work very differently. You will have a few weeks to do it (to be handed in after half-term) and it will be in the form of a PowToon. If you are prepared to record a voiceover for your PowToon, you will not need to display too much text as you will be able to talk about the profiles and just use bullet points to display.

You must, however, include pictures of the tests we did, pictures of the rests, graphs etc.

To join the 6th Form BTEC Sport group on PowToon, you must click the link below:


Fill in your name and surname. Do not bother using your email address. You also have to pick a username and password. TIP: Use your school username and password so that you will remember it. Once you have done this, click 'Create' and choose the blank template and start your profiles. I would suggest that you complete both profiles on one PowToon as you will be able to compare and contrast your two clients as well as not have to duplicate some of the work on a second PowToon.

Everybody should attempt to do a voiceover. I will give you more guidance on this once you have made a start on the actual animation of the PowToon.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Year 12 - Fitness Testing

Once your PARQs are complete, print it twice and get 2 people from the group to fill it in. Please ensure that these people were present last Friday as, eventually, you will need their health test results. Once this is done, take photos of the questionnaires on your phones. If you download the blogger app, you will be able to upload them directly to a new post called 'PARQs'. If you cannot download the app, email the picture to yourself and then add it to a new post on the computer.

Bring kit for Friday (period 3) and we will be back in the classroom for period 4.

Monday 6 October 2014

Year 13 - Exercise, Health & Lifestyle

Please ensure that you have completed the lifestyle questionnaire by next Monday. You must make it detailed as it will provide the basis for a health screening profile for the next task.

If you have finished, you should complete the questionnaire as if you were living a very unhealthy lifestyle. This will give you more to analyse during the health screening process.

Year 12 - Instructing Physical Activity

Please continue with the 6 week training plans. These should be finished by next Monday for me to mark. REMEMBER to tweak the intensity of exercise each week to show PROGRESSION.

I know that some of you are close to completing this, in which case, you should write a new post on blogger called 'Justification of Activities on Training Plans'. You should explain and justify the reasons for selecting the different activities and methods of training that you have used.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Preparation and Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ)

Before embarking upon a fitness programme, a gym will ask the client to complete a PARQ. This is used to establish current levels of fitness, medical conditions and health issues. If you search for 'PARQ' or 'health screening questionnaire' you will be given hundreds of examples.

Once you have written about the health monitoring tests for Task 2, you should design your own questionnaire. You should think of a name for your gym at the top of the questionnaire. Then take parts from the various questionnaires online to build your own.

This task will help you to build a subject profile of a client's health and current levels of fitness. The better your questionnaire, the more detailed profile you will be able to build. This task should be completed on a word document, printed and then completed by 2 different people in our class.

Once it has been completed, your questionnaire should be scanned and then published on a new post entitled 'Preparation and Readiness Questionnaire for 2 Clients' (or take a photo of the questionnaire and upload it to blogger).

On Friday we will be playing volleyball during period 3. You should then stay in your kit to complete the health screening tests which will take place in the sports centre classroom (not 104).

Friday 19 September 2014

Health Screening

You must complete the following Health Monitoring tests on 2 people in our BTEC Sport group:
  • PARQ (Preparation and Readiness Questionnaire)
  • Hip/Waist Ratio
  • BMI
  • Lung Function
  • Blood Pressure

We will administer these tests next week. Before then, you must describe/explain the tests, protocol and equipment. As well as finding tables and graphs which explain the results of the tests. You should do this on a 'New Post' entitled 'Health Screening'.

You must also compile your own PARQ that needs to be completed by your two clients. If you search PARQ on google you will discover hundreds of examples. You should use questions from several sources to make your own. This needs to be printed and completed by next week.

Once we have the results of the tests and completed PARQs you should complete the document template 'Subject Profile for Health Monitoring Tests' (which can be found in the shared area) for both of your clients. Done adequately, this will provide evidence for the following criteria:

Fitness Testing for Sport & Exercise - Criteria

Screen Shot of Subject Profile

Friday 20 June 2014

Work for the summer in preparation for year 12

Unit 7 – Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise


You work as a Fitness Instructor for The John Warner Sports Centre. A local football team has asked you to help improve their standards of fitness in an attempt to improve their results. To describe and explain the different components of fitness, you decide to run a series of fitness tests to ascertain the overall level of fitness of the team and offer recommendations to improve their fitness (and hopefully results).


Task 1


Assignment Issue Date
Assignment Due Date
Monday 12th September
Wednesday 21st September

Task Breakdown

Design a presentation to give to the whole football team and team managers.



Briefly outline the different components of fitness and how these contribute to a footballer’s overall fitness.


P1 Fitness Tests

Find an appropriate fitness test for the following components of fitness

  • Speed
  • Cardio-vascular Endurance
  • Agility
  • Power
  • Reaction Time
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Muscular Strength


P1 Presentation

Present your findings on a Prezi where you give details of an appropriate fitness test which include; test protocol, equipment, diagrams (or even videos), normative data for results


M1 Advantages and Disadvantages

Include a section on your Prezi for each component of fitness where you give advantages and disadvantages. Things to consider when looking at each test include:

  • Validity and Reliability of results
  • Specialist equipment required?
  • Can the test be affected by environmental factors
  • Length of the test

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Year 13 - Practical Portfolio - Tactical Analysis


  • Rules, Regulations, Scoring systems of Volleyball & Football
  • Skills, Techniques and Tactics for Volleyball & Football
To reach the merit and distinction level in this unit, you must complete an in-depth tactical analysis of a team performance. The Zonal Marking website writes comprehensive reports on matches. Obviously, you do not have to go into such detail but read the analysis on the link below to give you an idea of what you should do:


Now, choose a match, find as much information and statistics on that match as you can and write a similar report using all the statistics and data you have collected. be sure to include:
  • Team Line-Ups
  • Formations - did it change throughout
  • Tactics
  • Substitutions
  • Analysis of key moments - good attacking play/poor defensive play

A good app to download that will provide you with a lot of information on matches is the Four Four Two Stats Zone app.

Monday 3 March 2014

Volleyball - Self Analysis and Tactical Awareness

You should have already discussed skills and techniques of volleyball on your blog by including the coaching points of the various shots. Now you must discuss 2 different tactics that a team can adopt to improve their performance. You must research this and then add it to your blog in your own words (and diagrams).

In practical lessons we will be getting video and photographic footage so that we can complete a self-analysis of our performance. You should create a checklist similar to the one below that will help you to keep track of what footage you have and allow you to grade your performance of each shot:

Skill Performance Mark Video Whose Phone Photos (x4) Whose Phone
1=Excellent---> 5=Poor
Smash (Spike)          
Dig (Pass)          
Roof (Block)          
Dig/Set/Smash Sequence          

Monday 13 January 2014

Year 13: Leadership in Sport - Planning your Coaching Session

Your plan should look something like the template below.

You will be leading football sessions on the following dates (with the following themes):

Friday 31st January - Dribbling

Friday 7th February - Passing

Friday 14th February - Shooting

Here are further details that you will require when planning:
  • 7W Boys
  • Mixed Ability
  • Approximately 8 pupils each
  • 4 balls, cones, bibs