Monday 30 November 2015

Review of Circuit Training Session

You have been given a sheet from me which contains:

  • Feedback from your peers
  • Feedback from me
  • A link to video footage of your session

In addition, you now have notes on a circuit training session delivered by me.

All of this information should now be collated so that you can write a detailed analysis of your performance when delivering your circuit training session. Be sure to include details on the following:

  • Appropriateness of stations
  • Timings
  • Communication
  • Motivation
  • Enthusiasm
  • Organisation
To enable you to find the link to your YouTube clip, your link will remain on this post for the rest of this lesson and will then be deleted.

To achieve a PASS you must review your session.

To achieve a MERIT you must review your session and identify strengths and areas for improvement.

To achieve a DISTINCTION you must do all of the above and justify the activities you chose as well as give a detailed summary of the changes you would make to future sessions you would deliver. These must include a development plan of how you will address areas requiring improvement.

Monday 16 November 2015

Fitness Test Profile

Above are the results of the fitness tests so far. We will be running the bleep test on Wednesday afternoon and will be performing the Cooper Run on Thursday afternoon to complete the batch of tests.

For the final task of this unit, you have to analyse the fitness of ONE of your subjects. Use the subtitles below as a template for your next blog post entitled "Fitness Testing Profile of ......"

Subject Profile                                                                                                  Name:

Justification of Chosen Fitness Tests
In this section you should state why you have chosen the tests below. You should discuss the different components of fitness and link these with your subject’s health monitoring test results, PARQs and their sporting interests.

Fitness Test Results and Evaluation (using normative data)
Multi-Stage Fitness Test:
35m Sprint:
Illinois Agility Run:
Vertical Jump:
Sit & Reach:
Cooper Run:
Validity/Reliability of Results
In this section you should discuss whether the results are reliable and whether they actually measure what you set out to test. Here, you should also discuss possible reasons for poor performance in the test (such as test conditions, equipment/clothing of your subject, injuries etc).
Multi-Stage Fitness Test:
35m Sprint:
Illinois Agility Run:
Vertical Jump:
Sit & Reach:
Cooper Run:
Strengths & Areas for Improvement

Recommendations for Future Activities and Training

Monday 5 October 2015

Lung Function Analysis

A good table to analyse lung function is surprisingly hard to find. If you're having trouble, use this to help you:

Subject Profiles after Health Monitoring Tests

Produce 2 separate posts (1 for each subject) and make sure you include detailed information on the following:

Monday 20 April 2015

Year 12 - Assessing Risk in Sport - Getting a Merit

To get a merit for this task you must:

M1: compare and contrast the influences of legislation, legal factors and regulatory bodies on health and safety in sport

To do this I have created the following scenario:
You are the manager at the John Warner Sports Centre and you have arranged to meet all of the staff including:
  • lifeguards
  • cleaners
  • receptionist
  • cafeteria staff
  • coaches
After a number of incidents/accidents in the local area, you are meeting with your staff to compare and contrast the impact of the legislation and legal factors on their day to day duties. Some roles may have a great impact others may not be affected at all. It is up to you to explain to them which they need to take note of and why.