Tuesday 16 April 2013

Begin your Practical Portfolio for Volleyball

You should start your first blog entry (called 'The Basic Rules and Scoring Systems of Volleyball')  by describing the basic rules and scoring systems of Volleyball. A few tips:
  • Do not copy and paste from another website
  • Paraphrase the rules and scoring systems in your own words
  • Include pictures (court markings)
  • Useful websites and resources are in the shared area (and Pearltrees)
  • Try to summarise the game by using approximately 10 rules
  • Try to summarise the scoring system by using less than 10 rules
Finally, you should create 3 scenarios that may occur during a game. You must describe the scenario and explain how the officials should correctly apply the rules to the situation and what the outcome should be. Here is scenario that you may use as an example:
During a fiercely contested rally, several team members sweat profusely, dripping on the sports hall floor. This has now become a safety hazard. What should the officials do?

Your second post for your practical portfolios should be entitled 'Volleyball Skills, Techniques and Tactics'. You should use images (the perfect model) and coaching points to explain how to correctly execute the following shots:
  • Dig
  • Set
  • Smash
  • Serve

Watch the videos that I have posted on the 'Volleyball Shot Analysis' post and make a note of the main coaching points. You should also embed the videos to your blog post and use bullet points to list the coaching points. You should also explain when these skills are used in a match.

Eventually, we will have video footage of you performing these skills so that you can identify strengths and weaknesses in your performance.

If you are feeling ambitious, you could start to create 'thinglink' images to demonstrate the coaching points that you have just written down. Click here to see a simple tutorial on how to use thinglink. Below is an example of what a 'thinglink' looks like. Hover over the image to view the coaching points. These will look effective on your blogs plus we'd be able to attach videos to the images too:

For other resources and links to useful websites, you should go to the following folder on the shared area:

W:\Physical Education\Physical Education\BTEC\6 Form BTEC\Year 12\Single

Remember, this is a work in progress. Do not publish your post until everything has been done. Simply save it and continue next lesson (or in your own time).

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