Monday, 14 October 2013

Year 12 - Fitness Testing for Sport & Exercise - Monday 14th October

You have 3 lessons this week to complete your subject profiles. Please remember to address the following:
  • Summarise PARQs
  • If no health problems exist, suggest ways to improve their favoured sports
  • Ask them if they have any fitness goals (or make some for them)
  • Evaluate their test results (and suggest possible reasons for inaccuracies and the limitations of the tests themselves - see video)
  • Justify the selection of fitness tests that we will be administering next week
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of their health profile - MERIT
  • Recommend lifestyle changes (or state the importance of maintaing the healthy lifestyle they may already lead) - DISTINCTION
Last week the BBC showed a very useful documentary called 'Trust Me, I'm a Doctor'. The whole programme was interested and relevant to various units of the BTEC course. Most importantly, the first 10 minutes of the programme discussed the limitations of such tests as BMI and Body Fat Percentage. Please watch the first 10 minutes of the video from the link below. You should consider this when writing your health profiles.


Year 13 - Leadership in Sport - Monday 14th October

You should have completed the work on the roles, characteristics and qualities common to successful sports leaders. We are now moving on to the psychological aspects of being a leader. Please read the articles that I've linked to below:

These are all interesting articles that relate to the psychological factors and considerations of being a leader. Those who completed the Psychology unit last year will be familiar with many of the concepts already.

Once you have read the articles you should write a post on your blogs which:

"explain four psychological factors that are important in the leading of sports activities" (M1)
You can choose 4 factors to expalin from the following (taken from the BTEC Specification):
Psychological factors
  • cohesion eg group/team cohesion 
  • Tuckman’s stages of group development (forming, storming, norming and performing)
  • development of cohesion in a group/team
  • social loafing and the Ringelmann effect; personality eg theories
  • confidence
  • self concept
  • Profile of Mood States (POMS)
  • motivation eg extrinsic, intrinsic
  • stress eg stress management
  • anxiety
  • arousal

Monday, 7 October 2013

Subject Profile - Health Assessment

Now you have 2 completed PARQs and the health test results for 2 clients (fellow classmates) you should compile a subject profile. A template for this piece of work can be found by clicking in the folder entitled 'Unit 7: Fitness Testing for Sport & Exercise' in the shared area and looks like this:

Screen Shot of Subject Profile

Use the headings on the template to create 2 subject profiles for your clients on a new post on blogger. You need to complete all sections of the subject profile for both of your clients. You must consider their health test results and the data from their PARQs. You must also consider the sports that they play and want to improve.

All this information will help you to assess their current health and justify the fitness tests that you are going to administer next week. Starting next week, we will be administering the following tests in lessons:
  • Beep Test
  • Cooper Run
  • Illinois Agility Run
  • Power Jumps
  • 35m Speed Test
  • Sit & Reach Test

Fitness Testing for Sport & Exercise - Criteria

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if the health test results are all positive and the PARQ shows that the client has a very healthy lifestyle?

You should then decide which tests to administer and justify the selection based on their main sport (eg, I will test his cardiovascular fitness by doing the beep test and the cooper run as this is a key component of fitness in football as players must move around the pitch continuosly for 90 minutes).

You should also explain the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the benefits this will include as well as how his health may deteriorate if your client lead a less healthy lifestyle.

How do I get a merit/distinction for this piece of work?

It is all about identifying strengths and weaknesses of their current state of health using the data available. What do their test results say about their health? Does their completed PARQ give any indication of a less than perfect lifestyle or indicate possible health issues?

To achieve a distinction you must evaluate all of the data available and suggest possible lifestyle changes outlining the long term effects on the body of poor diet, smoking, alcohol consumption etc. What impact woud high blood pressure have later in life? What health implications would a high BMI have?